
DES 206 Design Methods | TA

Winter 2018 – 2020

University of Washington

Students examine design processes, approaches, and techniques including design ethnography, cultural probes, participatory design, problem finding, precedent taxonomy, ideation, concept design, design variations, design selection, detail design, user journey, and design communication.

MHCID 510 Interactive Systems | TA

Spring 2019

University of Washington

Students examine design by reflecting on skills, techniques, and knowledge they have applied to past work through the lens of current HCI and design discourse. Students are introduced to various perspectives, to evaluate and explore to design techniques and approaches and concepts to build relevant frameworks for the design of interactive systems.

CSE 440 Intro to HCI | TA

Spring 2018 – 2019

University of Washington

Introducing students to methods for designing, prototyping, and evaluating user interfaces to computing applications. This includes surveys in human capabilities, interface technology, interface design methods, and interface evaluation tools and techniques.

ART 4400 Media + Robotics | TA

Fall 2018

Ohio State University

Approaches to hacking using processing and Arduino.

DES 265 – Design Topics & DES 383 | Guest Lecturer

Summer 2018

University of Washington

Led classes developed assignments and led weekly help sessions for students. 




UX Researcher 

Winter 2020 - Present

In this role, I oversee UX research for two Microsoft Products Compliance Score and Microsoft Application Protection and Governance (MAPG). I also serve as the research arm of an initiative to improve the customer support experience across various Microsoft 365 products. I am also a member of Microsoft’s Responsible AI team, which looks to ensure all Microsoft product teams consider the social and ethical implications of integrating AI and ML.

World Health Organization (Preva)

UX |UI Design

Winter 2020 - Summer 2020

Designed infographics and data visualizations for health professionals working to explore and understand coronavirus (COVID-19).



Therapeutic Care UX Design Intern

Summer 2019

Led the creation of usability plans, and testing activities. Developed solutions to interaction design problems found through usability testing, aligning with Philips design language. 

Studio Tilt

Design Researcher

Fall 2017 - Spring 2020

Conducted research on data-driven technologies and how they can better support the unique lives and experiences of individuals. In this role I utilize design methods, techniques and discourse to conduct research, which has ultimately been summarized in two papers published in ACM CHI.



  • ACM CHI 2019 Honorable Mention Award (2019)

  • UW Design Striker Travel Award (2019)

  • Frank and Catherine Doleshy Endowed Fellowship (2018)

  • University of Washington Top Scholar Grad Award (2018)

  • Fergus Scholarship Award (2017)

  • OSU Undergraduate Research Award (2016)

  • Aida Cannarsa Snow Fund Scholarship, Mint Chair (2016)

  • OSU Undergraduate Research Award, RePRINT (2016)